Sunday, May 10, 2009

Thing 9: a practical exercise (jumping around)

So after several months of saying- oh yeah, I'll get to that, I had a practical exercise facing me with google docs- because Joy of Joys my staff is utilizing the new communication cooperative content tools. This is exactly what I want.

With Edwin's help and invitation to the relevant doc, I believe I have successfully edited a document with suggestions to make the self check block pop ups more user friendly. I found the google doc to be very intuitive as an editor. I have yet to figure out how to tell what editing has taken place- and by whom. Also, as a practical measure I should know how to invite someone else to share a document with me/group.

Reviewing some other folks' bloggs I find that our staff community greatly prefers google docs- either because they find it more intuitive themselves, or because the usership has reached a "critical mass" so that collaboration can take place in a shared communication platform. For that practical reason I will focus from here on out on google docs and leave zoho for an academic excersise.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

the hardest part is to get started

Ok, so it has been about a month since I first opened the blog. I initially had trouble because eons ago I set up a gmail account and I had no idea about the password. I got that worked out and was just starting the Avatar when I had a patron problem and was pulled away for that.

Today I set up the Avatar- that sure is a time sucker- and am attempting my first post.